Vida Familiar Marriage, not Martyrdom 4805 $12.50 This book is the fruit of the author’s marital experience of over 30 years, coupled with 20 years of marriage counseling experience. This book is a guide in many areas in marriage: forgiveness, reconciliation, parenting, sexuality, money management, management of relationships with family and friends and conflict resolution. It is a complete guide with... Comprar
Vida Familiar God Rich in Mercy 5999 $5.00 The purpose of this resource is to offer some suggestions that enable parishes and Christian communities to prepare themselves to live the Pope's initiative during the penitential season of Lent. These suggestions may be adapted to local needs and customs, as is appropriate. Comprar
Inicio Healing is Possible 7072 $17.00 All human beings have been hurt psychologically, spiritually or physically and without realizing it, these have caused dissatisfaction, pain, interpersonal conflicts, fears and diseases of various kinds. The author presents in this work a broad view of the possible injuries and how to heal them. It includes fourteen major relationships in a person’s life... Comprar
Últimas unidades en stock Libros en Inglés Healing Your Family Tree 3997 $16.00 In his book, Healing Your Family Tree, Father Hampsch guides you through a healing process to clean up the effects of sin in your life that result from the sins of past generations. Each chapter touches on a different part of the healing process with Scripture quotations and citations to substantiate the author's observations. Comprar
Libros en Inglés How to Have a Blessed Family 4804 $12.00 Families today walk through a path that is difficult, dangerous and full of potential enemies with forces intended to destroy its integrity. In times of crisis, the author gives timely, clear and easy strategies to help all family members protect and fight against spiritual enemies. There are 10 top strategies along with a prayer for each one of them that... Comprar
Libros en Inglés Our Family Prayer Book 6259 $20.00 Praying regularly with your family doesn’t need to be a struggle when you draw on Our Family Prayer Book – a treasury of prayers, psalms, novenas, spiritual readings and practices for many special occasions and for every day of the year. Comprar
Libros de Oración Daily Companion For Young Catholics 5679 $12.50 Add this small book to the mix of tablets and smartphones that are daily accessories in every teen's life. The author, a father of 4 and a veteran high school teacher, talks the talk that will get their day off the fast track and onto the right track. In a matter of minutes they will read Scripture, a brief reflection, and a prayer that relates to their... Comprar
Libros en Inglés Knowing Your Faith 6002 $9.50 Knowing Your Faith is a short catechism of Catholic teachings, practices, and worship, arranged in a well-organized question-and-answer format. This illustrated catechism also includes brief instructions to enhance the presentation of the basics of the Catholic Faith. This book is intended for both adults and high school students and thus is ideal for... Comprar
Libros en Inglés St. Joseph Guide to the Bible 6003 $10.50 St. Joseph Guide to the Bible by Karl A. Schultz presents four simple steps to help the reader grow in confidence with using the Bible. This handy guide to the Bible helps the reader to select a Bible, develop a reading plan, learn the ancient practice of Lectio Divina, and begin to interpret the Bible competently and with confidence. The bibliography in... Comprar
Libros de Oración Living Prayers 5674 $9.00 Living Prayers is a handy resource containing a good assortment of traditional and contemporary prayers for many situations that Catholics encounter in everyday life. Compiled by Rev. Basil Senger, O.S.B., Living Prayers is designed to assist Catholics in achieving a more profound prayer life. With a comfortingly illustrated, flexible cover, this book... Comprar
Fuera de stock Inicio A Catholic Child's Baptismal Bible 5142 $24.00 Each gift edition is gift boxed, and features a padded cover, gold edges, certificate pages, and personal and family history pages. Hardcover. View
Inicio Book Of Blessings 8720 $51.00 This liturgical book includes blessings pertaining to persons, to objects, and to various occasions, as well as blessings and services connected with official parish events. Three valuable indices make the Book of Blessings a practical as well as pastoral liturgical resource. Comprar
Fuera de stock Santos & Biografías Carlo Acutis God's Computer Genius 8258 $24.00 Ciao! Meet Carlo: an Italian fifteen-year-old techie who loved coding, video games, animals, and also lived a life that put him on the highway to heaven! Set to become the first millennial saint, Blessed Carlo Acutis was a vibrant, faith-filled Italian teenager who loved technology and the Eucharist. This kid-friendly biography is the perfect... View
Inicio 3 Key Stages in Raising Children 7048 $14.00 A book written by Juan Alberto Echeverry. This book will give important insights about the physical, spiritual,intellectual and moral development of children through 3 stages:between the ages of zero and twenty-one. The author gives parents suggestions for training and guiding children with an spiritual perspective. The author provides ideas for dealing... Comprar
Inicio Seven reason to be happy 7071 $18.00 A book written by Juan Alberto Echeverry. In this book the author tries to give clear guidance to all those who have lost faith in God, in life, in people and in themselves and leads them on a journey to restore the happiness that every human being yearns. As always, the writing is done with a very simple language and with testimonials from real life.... Comprar